Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why Did I Start BBW Friendly

When I started the website in November 1997, I really had no idea what it was going to be.  I knew I wanted it to link to the BBW Friendly chat channel on Webmaster IRC.  I also wanted to make it a dating website but that all changed in 2000.  I officially took over the website and I was tired of the chat channel and it being a dating website.  I decided to change it to a informatioin website.  There were several other websites that had information and were larger but mine was not going to have links to any adult or porn sites.

I tried to be careful with the sites I link to BBW Friendly and I had to constantly monitor because a lot of the sites I was linked to were slowly disappearing.  I got tired of constanly monitoring who I was linked to and let the site go.  In 2003 I changed the background and tried to keep it more current and had banners made and an award made.  Giving award to websites was popular back then just like web rings were.

I let it go after awhile again I just check the links once in a great while.  The website pages were busy and boring but I did not have the desire to change it and just let it go.  This year and month I decided it was time for a change.  As you can see the changes now and I finally was able to change the picture on the BBW Friendly Dating website (

I hope you like the changes and if you have any suggestions just let me know and see if it is possible and meets my qualifications to be linked or added to the website.